The Epistemic Risks of AI

The Epistemic Risks of AI17.02.2025 15:00 - 16:00 (Mon)onlineM. J. Crockett, Lisa Messeri
Course Information
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Increasingly, scientists are pressured to incorporate AI into their workflow. This seminar offers a framework for how to think about these mounting pressures and evaluate if the promised benefit will be realized. The aim is not to interrogate the technical merit of AI products, but rather to encourage questioning around the kind of knowledge that will get produced when incorporating such products into scientific workflows. Drawing on published and ongoing work around the epistemic risks of AI, Crockett and Messeri will also discuss the importance of collaborations between the sciences and the humanities.

Condition to Participate: 

This course is open to all Helmholtz Munich Members.

Please be aware of the booking and unbooking periods. After successful registration, if you do not attend, without prior or subsequent notification from you explaining/excusing your absence, our cancellation policy will come into effect. This means that you cannot attend any of our workshops for the next 6 weeks and if you are a doctoral researcher we will deduct 250 € from your travel grant funds.

Course Fee in Euros: 
Target Group(s): 
Doctoral Researcher
Course Topic(s): 
Professional Skills
Digital Competence
Organizing Institute/ Unit: 
Scientific Talent and Career Development (SPR)
Trainer Information
Trainer (Internal/External): 

M. J. Crockett is an associate professor at Princeton University in the department of Psychology and the University Center for Human Values. Crockett’s lab investigates social and moral cognition, integrating theory and methods from psychology, neuroscience, economics, philosophy, and data science. Crockett’s recent work has explored moral outrage in the digital age, trust in leaders during a pandemic, and the impact of artificial intelligence on science and policy decisions. Their research has been featured in diverse outlets including the BBC, New York Times, Washington Post, The Guardian, and Wired.

Lisa Messeri is an associate professor at Yale University and an anthropologist of science and technology. Her most recent book, “In the Land of the Unreal: Virtual and Other Realities in Los Angeles,” is about how a community of innovators and boosters positioned virtual reality as an emerging technology that could solve a multitude of social problems. Her research has been featured in The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Scientific American, Wired, The Atlantic, and more. She teaches classes that help STEM students recognize the social and cultural aspects of their work.

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