Frequently Asked Questions

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General Information

Doctoral researchers who have a working contract or guest contract with Helmholtz Munich can join HELENA. 

For all doctoral researchers with a Helmholtz Munich working contract, membership in HELENA is established on the basis of a written supervision agreement between the doctoral researcher, direct adviser at the Center and adviser at the university. The original supervision agreement has to be submitted to the Human Resources Management before signing the working contract, and the PDF file format of the supervision agreement must be uploaded to your progress platform.

Doctoral researchers with an external scholarship or those with a contract from universities or other research institutions must have a guest contract with the Center. Your direct supervisor will organize the guest contract with the Human Resources Management. Please upload the PDF file format of the supervision agreement to your progress platform. All guest doctoral researchers have to be in a structured graduate program. 

Doctoral researchers with a Helmholtz Munich working contract are supposed to become a member of HELENA. If you have not already applied, please fill in our supervision agreement send the original to Human Resources Management and upload the PDF file format to your progress platform. Reasons for not joining HELENA are, if you either are already part of another graduate school or if you will stay at the Center only for a short period of time.

Please register at the university where you will receive your doctoral degree as soon as possible, but at least within the first three months of your doctoral thesis. After your successful registration at the university, we kindly request you to upload the information to your progress platform

In the case of foreign higher education degrees, the issuing of a Statement of Comparability for Foreign Higher Education Qualifications by the ZAB is necessary so that your degree can be considered for wage categorisation purposes. The statement is also required for visa/residence title formalities.

Please apply for the Statement of Comparability for Foreign Higher Education Qualifications early, the process can take up to 3 months. 

Step 1: Is my degree already listed in the ANABIN database? (ANABIN instructions in English)

  • YES: Print out the certificate and attach it to your application documents.
  • NO: continue with step 2.

Step 2: You need to have your higher education qualifications assessed by the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB). The Statement of Comparability states the level of the German educational qualification to which your foreign qualification is comparable:

Click here to apply for a Statement of Comparability for Foreign Higher Education Qualifications

To apply for a Statement please use the ZAB application form.

Please fill in the complete application form and enclose all relevant supporting documents. Please refer to the ZAB checklist for information on which documents are needed. Send the signed application together with all supporting documents to:

Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen (ZAB)
Postfach 2240
53012 Bonn

The HELENA Graduate School Office within Strategy, Programs, Resources (SPR) is the direct contact point for all doctoral researchers and supervisors. The HELENA team offers support in all administrative matters concerning your training at HELENA.

Upon completing the HELENA training program and your doctoral defense at the University, you will receive the HELENA certificate. Remember to submit the doctoral completion form in your progress platform after defending your thesis at the University. Update your contact info with your private email before your contract ends for uninterrupted access.


HELENA Training Program and Requirements

HELENA offers in-depth scientific training as well as training in leadership, management and communication. HELENA consists of three training activities mandatory elements, scientific training and professional skills training. Doctoral researchers can select and set up their own individual curriculum from an offering of lectures, courses, seminars, retreats, winter/summer schools and participation in scientific conferences.

The Credit Point System in HELENA are working hours, corresponding to the respective workload of the training that you choose. 

To complete your HELENA Training Program, you need to document your participation in institute seminars, journal clubs, method courses, external lectures, courses, conferences etc. and submit it in your progress platform with an agenda/schedule and certificate/confirmation of participation. Courses which are organised by Helmholtz Munich and booked via CaMS are automatically transferred to your transcript of records.

270 hours in scientific training activities and 40 hours in professional skill courses are required to receive a HELENA certificate.